Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Birthday Fishes!

For my birthday I took my mama, daddy, grandma, grandpa, and great aunt robin to the aquarium! I especially loved the sea lions and rays. I even wore my shark shirt for the occasion!

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Aunties are Coming!

My birthday weekend extravaganza started off with the arrival of my two Great Aunts!! We went out to lunch and played in the water in the backyard. I love them!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jack's 1st Birthday

Here are just a few pictures from Jack's 1st Birthday Party! We all had a blast!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Just Jack! 1 Year!

Oh my! Everyone said the first year would go by fast, but I didn't believe them! Today I leave 0 behind and become 1!! The past month has been big! And I'm not just talking about my hair or my 23 lbs! I started taking my first tentative steps as I turned 11 months and now I'm practically running around the house. I'm still eating lots and exploring new foods, but my favorite meal includes turkey, cheese, avocado, and watermelon! Depending on who you ask I have lots of words. Including; Mama, dada, book, again, all done, and quack! One thing is for sure, I'm a chatterbox. I also sign for Milk. I've started developing a "tude", if I don't get my own way I will let you know! My favorite toys are books and my orange truck, or basically anything with wheels. I am a joy to my parents and they are celebrating my big day with lots of hugs and love!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A tisket...a tasket...

I like riding in my basket!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Maiden Voyage!

I'm a bit unsure about my new ride, but with practice I'm sure it will be loads of fun! We went out again yesterday and no tears! Soon we'll even leave our own street!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm ready to roll!

I got my own bike helmet! I can't wait to try out my Burley Tiger!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Just Another Day at the Office!

We found a new fun place to hang out! My buddies Kyle and Renee went to a cafe that also has a huge playroom with lots of fun toys. I even got in my first fight with a 2 year old that stole my car...I'll win the next one!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


No more pictures please! Life of the famous is so hard!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Triple Nookie!

Ahhhh, my idea of heaven...three nookies!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Money, Money, Money!

Fresh off the water balloon toss win, my mama went on to win $150 at Blackjack! Mama needs a new pair of shoes!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Picnic Time!

We had so much fun at the Gary Platt Company Picnic! I got to wear my own matching shirt and had fun with my family. I even met a new friend, Troy. I was very proud to watch my mama and daddy win the water balloon toss! I'm going to train for the 10 and under division next year!