Monday, May 25, 2009

Just Jack! 8 months

It seems like I was just turning 7 months!   I'm really getting close to freedom, I am so close to crawling.   I love to get on all fours and rock around, my parents better watch out!  I just moved out of my infant carrier into my big boy car seat, I'll be in this one until I'm 65 lbs!  I've pretty much outgrown my dog, it's easier for me to stand next to it then sit on it.  I'm starting to wear 12 months clothes and getting heavier every day!   My hair is getting so long and thick that if I don't have it brushed back, I have sideburns and a combover!   I still love to play, clap, laugh, talk, smile, and dance!  When the music or singing starts I start groovin'.  

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