Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just Jack! 9 months

Didn't I JUST turn 8 months?! I have had a BIG month! I learned how to crawl and I can now pull myself to standing and cruise around. The only thing I haven't conquered is pulling up to stand on Lainey, if she would only stay still! This month I also started swimming and boy do I love the water. I have also been adventurous with my food choices, this month I've tried: tofu, hummus, pasta, apricots, chicken, cous-cous, goldfish crackers, peaches, and cheese! I'm also quite the chatterbox, I like to talk to everyone and make sure that they are looking and smiling at me! My mama has enjoyed spending all her time with me, I like it when she's home. I go to the doctor tomorrow, I'll update my stats then!
UPDATE: I'm coming in at a whopping 20 lbs 10 oz and 29 inches tall!

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