Monday, January 25, 2010

Just Jack! 16 months!

16 months already! I have been working on my words. If you listen carefully I can say many things, including: Bye, Mama, Dada, Dog, Duck, Please, Again, Done, a modified Banana, and No! I still love reading my books and can point out lots of different animals and I know tons of animal sounds. My latest favorite is the elephant (Thanks Granddaddy)! I can also smile on demand, as you can see in the picture below. I'm getting very good at following directions, well when I want to. I have tons of energy and love to get into mischief. I'm also quite the jumper. As before, my favorites are my mama, my daddy, books, cars, and dancing to music! I'm also very sweet and loving giving out lots of kisses and hugs.

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