Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just Jack! 23 months!

The past week with everybody sick and me with an ear infection, was rough! But before that, the month was great! We traveled to Minnesota and Seattle for family weddings. I got to meet three of my cousins and hang with the rest of my family too. My speech is developing quite rapidly. I like labeling everything, like yellow nana (banana) and boo (blue) nookie. When we are in the car I look for yellow buses (my favorite), blue trucks, and yellow motorcycles. I love learning all about animals, for instance gaffes (giraffes) = long neck! I have a lot to say and I'll let you know what I'm thinking. I also am singing a lot. My favorite is to sing "All through the town" and "she sells seashells by the seashore" (it's true!)

I love to laugh and love my family.

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