Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer has finally reached southern california!

My buddy Grant came over to play too!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Enjoying time with my babies!

Maggie even helped me bake some cupcakes.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Banana Pudding!

Jack where is home? "Home is where Lainey is."

What did you do at school today Jack? "I played with boats. I share with Kyle. I give Kyle hug. He push you. No push, Kyle, no. Only hugs and kisses!"

Did you have fun at school today? "Yes, yes I did!"

Jack, say cheese, "Banana Pudding!" followed by loads of laughter

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Just Jack: 33 Months

Our boy Jack. He is such a ball of energy, from about 6 am till 7 pm he goes nonstop. He loves to test boundaries and can often be found in the air jumping off of something. As Scott says, he doesn't walk, just runs. He's got places to be. He loves to explore, a favorite is walking around the neighborhood discovering rocks in yards, strawberries in gardens, and balancing on all the ledges. He also loves to build pillow caves in every room, including the one in his big boy room that he sleeps on every night. He still has a love for books and singing, his two favorite pasttimes (if you don't count Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). He is a also a talker, narrating everything he does and what is going on around him. He has a great memory, so if you tell him something you better follow through! He has grown up in a lot of ways since we brought Maggie home. He easily transitions from mama to dada to grandparent to friend, sometimes doesn't even say goodbye to me when I drop him off at school! : ). But at least he's always very happy to see me when I pick him up. One surprise, is his devotion to his baby sister. He's always been a sweet little guy, but he adores her. First thing he'll ask when he wakes up or gets home is "Have you seen Baby Maggie?". He asks to hold her and is constantly patting her head. He's usually the first to respond to her cries and wants us to "Make her feel better.". Of course he sometimes pats too hard, wakes her up, and tries to share his food and toys with her...but it all comes from love.

Flowers for mama.
My first solo trip with both Target!
The closest he's ever gotten to sleeping in his bed!
The green bead is what the doctor found in his ear canal one day!

Friday, June 24, 2011


For Father's day, we had our first of many breakfasts to come at Fantastic Cafe!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tummy Tummy Time!

Maggie has been working on her tummy time! See how much she has improved from week 2 through 4. Also, here is Big brother Jack at 4 weeks old.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Just Maggie: 1 month!

Our sweet girl Maggie.

Miss Maggie May has been quite a joy! As she reaches her 1 month birthday so much has changed. She has switched from a night owl to a more normal day/night routine. She loves to power eat all day, especially in the evening and then power nap at night. Often giving us 3-5 hour stretches of sleep! She has started to have longer alert periods and loves to look around and take everything in. I have seen at least 2 real smiles and she will mimic you sticking out your tongue. She is also very strong, working on holding up her head. Maggie loves her quilt and often stares at it as you change her diaper (Big brother Jack would do the same thing at this age). She loves nothing more than to cuddle, the crib is not her friend. She usually does really well in her car seat, sleeping through rides and is amenable to outings. She puts up with the loving attention of her brother who constantly pets, squeezes, and holds her. And we are beginning to adjust to two!