Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Just Maggie: 6 months!

Ahhh, our sweet girl Maggie. She really is such a doll. When you walk in a room she looks up and her whole face brightens and she breaks into a huge grin. She is sitting pretty well on her own, she can get on all fours and rock back and forth, AND her first tooth is just breaking through! Everything goes into her mouth and she is a drooling machine. She is weighing in at 14 lbs 1 oz and is about 26 inches long. She is a funny little magnet, picking up anything in her reach. When you bend her forward on her changing table to button a shirt she lays back with a tissue box, brush, diaper... whatever she can grab. She is still sleeping well at night 7 to 10 hours most nights and then a little 2 hour catnap. She naps in her carseat, always on the go with Big Brother Jack. When Jack comes near she smiles and reaches out for him. It so nice how much they love each other! I can't believe it's been 6 months already!

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