Sunday, April 22, 2012

Just Maggie: 11 months!

Maggie has acquired two new nicknames this month. Maggerdoodles (just because) and Tank. Tank because she has her wheels and nothing stops her! She no longer happily plays in her play zone, preferring her freedom instead. She roams the house pulling out shoes, dumping baskets, eating trash...whatever she pleases.  When she doesn't get her way, she no protests with a grunt or cry.  As she opens the door to Jack's closet she turns and gives you a huge smile knowing she's not supposed to do that. She's still crawling and cruising more than walking, but she happily stands and plays on her own and will take steps, her record is 6. She is very proud of herself. She loves to eat and is packing on the pounds, 22 so far! She is doing really well with her waving and when you say hi, will wave and grunt something that actually sounds like hi back. She still adores her brother Jack, I often see them holding hands in their car seats. We are lucky parents!


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