Monday, August 22, 2011

Just Maggie: 3 months!

Maggie's 3rd month was anything but boring. She has become very interactive, cooing and talking, checking out everything around her, and she has smiles for everyone, even ER doctors! She's weighing in at 12 lbs and 11 ozs and is over 23 inches long. She is starting to develop a pattern (no schedule to be found) eat, play, sleep, eat, play, sleep. This month she decided to party most of the night, waking every 2 to 3 hours. But the last few nights she has been sleeping more, 8 hours last night! Her love of spitting up has let me have fun dressing her in several outfits a day. Watching her big brother Jack has inspired her to be more active, so she rolled over from her front to back. Her hair is still very dark and getting longer every day, while her eyes are turning more and more blue. She truly is a joy and we are loving every minute with her!

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