Sunday, September 25, 2011

Just Jack! 3 Years!

Wow! Three Years Old, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!

This has been an amazing year for Jack. He started school, has gone from maybe 50 words and 2 to 3 word phrases to complex sentences and paragraphs and knowing his letters and starting to spell! He is starting to pedal his tricycle and is building elaborate train tracks. It has been a huge transition for all of us with the addition of Maggie, but we are starting to get the hang of being a family of four (plus Lainey too). Maggie is lucky to have a loving big brother who is already protecting her from boys! Jack is a very sweet boy who has quite the sense of humor. It's wonderful to listen to the things he comes up with. He still loves all things that move, to sing, and to read. I think Three is going to be a great year for all of us!

Jack with the banner his friends at school made. After his birthday party at school all the students had the monthly color parade. Jack thought it was for his birthday, so he joyfully lead the parade!

Jack bringing all the toys from his birthday party to Millers Children's Hospital!

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