Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just Maggie: 4 months!

Maggie is truly a delight. She looks at you with her huge blue eyes and then breaks into a goofy grin! If you're lucky, she may even laugh for you. She is a great sleeper at night, 8 to 9 hours. During the day she still catnaps an hour here or there, but she loves to play and look around in between feedings. Maggie is weighing in at 13 lbs 3 1/2 ozs and is 23 1/2 inches long. She loves her bath and has discovered if she kicks the water will splash. Maggie is also starting to teethe, meaning everything goes in her mouth, especially her hands, and she is drooling like crazy! She is getting more used too, or at least tolerates her car seat. The crying has been reduced to a few minutes or not at all. She even has started to take naps in her seat. She loves to move and can roll over from front to back and back to front. Which means she now can steamroll across the room! We are so happy to get to spend every day with her.

She started out on the other side of the pink blanket!

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